NTU Graduation 2016

Anna the graduate… I know, not so much of a travel blog this one.  But I guess I’m taking it back to what I originally made this blog for: keeping my family in the loop of what I’m doing as they can’t follow me around like sheep! (…and they probably wouldn’t want to anyway!) As […]

Bye Bye School!

It’s two weeks late but here it is; the end of my contract at the school.  I don’t think I can really describe how tired I was on the Saturday after 4 pretty hectic last weeks.  Maria was on a planned leave from the school so I took over as the teacher for year 5 […]

Optimism vs Reality

The reality of living in a foreign country alone vs the everlasting optimism that things will get better. I’ll be honest and actually say it out loud; my year abroad is not living up to the hype. The amount of times I’ve heard the phrase “a year abroad is the best year of your life” […]

Spanish Festivals in Spring

Festivals in Spain Obviously, there are a lot of festivals in Spain and I have already mentioned Halloween and Christmas in previous blog posts.  Spain loves a good party and if there’s the opportunity to drink in the streets then Spain does it – and they do it well!  This term I have seen two […]