Au revoir! À bientôt! Adieu! My time as an au pair in Paris has come to an end. It’s been a difficult few months for many reasons but it has been an incredible experience overall and I cannot express how glad I am that I decided to do this. Although 4 months doesn’t sound like […]
Kick your knees up, step in time… to Montmartre

Honestly, you’ll never need a reason and you’ll never need a rhyme to step back a few hundred years to Montmartre. When I speak to friends who have lived in or visited Paris, the general consensus is that Montmartre is everyone’s favourite so here’s my take! Around the end of the 1800’s, this quaint little […]
Île de la Cité and Île Saint-Louis – The Oldest Part of Paris

As I mentioned in my previous blog (One Month In), instead of constantly flapping on about working as an au pair and studying French, I have decided to use my blog as a motivation to see and enjoy as much of Paris as possible in the short time that I have here, starting with the […]
Dear Diary…. One Month In

I am one month in to my new Parisian life and I am already loving it so much! As I mentioned in my previous post (La Première Semaine), I have settled in so quickly and everything seems to have magically fallen into place. To avoid constantly repeating myself, I’m not going to always blog about […]
The First Week! La Première Semaine!

Guess who’s back! Yep, I’ve packed my suitcase, bought a flight ticket and moved abroad again! After spending so much time sending off job applications to work in Spain, I gave in and went for my plan B of moving to France or China to learn a new language and experience a new culture. So […]
Interrailing: Paris

Paris. The city of love and baguettes and a pretty tall tower. I’ve been to Paris 4 times before but only ever to Disneyland so (although slightly gutted I can’t be a child and run up to disney characters for a photo) I was very excited to see the real Paris! We started our interrail […]