Once upon a time there was a Sumatran Prince who saw a lion on an island and named this island Lion City. This Lion City was then developed into a fishing village and Singapura (Sanskrit for Lion City) was born. The area has changed quite a bit since then and it turns out there’s no […]
A Little Piece of Pai

“Eat well before your journey to Pai because the journey will make you feel sick.” Exactly 767 fast bends in the mountainous road later, both us and our bags had made it from Chiang Mai to Pai in separate cars. Even during the 10 minute walk from the bus station to our hostel I already […]
Arequipa and the Colca Valley

After a reasonable nights sleep on a night bus, we woke up in Arequipa also known as the white city due to the good weather and the many buildings made from white volcanic stone. You can see 3 volcanos from the city; Picchu Picchu (5,600m), Chachani (6,080m) and Misty (5,800m) which is still active. It’s […]
Machu Picchu

Old penis.* An old, abandoned settlement has captured my imagination and easily stolen the spot for my favourite place in Latin America. There are two ways of arriving at this beautiful place: you can take the easy option and get a train to Aguas Calientes town and then a bus up the hill to it […]
Salta City

After Buenos Aires, we flew to Salta for a few days. It feels like it’s been quite a short visit but we’ve definitely taken a big step away from the European influenced part of Argentina. We arrived early afternoon and settled into our hotel. It was a cute, family owned hotel with a small pool […]