As I mentioned in my previous blog (One Month In), instead of constantly flapping on about working as an au pair and studying French, I have decided to use my blog as a motivation to see and enjoy as much of Paris as possible in the short time that I have here, starting with the […]
Dear Diary…. One Month In

I am one month in to my new Parisian life and I am already loving it so much! As I mentioned in my previous post (La Première Semaine), I have settled in so quickly and everything seems to have magically fallen into place. To avoid constantly repeating myself, I’m not going to always blog about […]
The First Week! La Première Semaine!

Guess who’s back! Yep, I’ve packed my suitcase, bought a flight ticket and moved abroad again! After spending so much time sending off job applications to work in Spain, I gave in and went for my plan B of moving to France or China to learn a new language and experience a new culture. So […]