As I mentioned in my previous blog (One Month In), instead of constantly flapping on about working as an au pair and studying French, I have decided to use my blog as a motivation to see and enjoy as much of Paris as possible in the short time that I have here, starting with the […]
Dear Diary…. One Month In

I am one month in to my new Parisian life and I am already loving it so much! As I mentioned in my previous post (La Première Semaine), I have settled in so quickly and everything seems to have magically fallen into place. To avoid constantly repeating myself, I’m not going to always blog about […]
The First Week! La Première Semaine!

Guess who’s back! Yep, I’ve packed my suitcase, bought a flight ticket and moved abroad again! After spending so much time sending off job applications to work in Spain, I gave in and went for my plan B of moving to France or China to learn a new language and experience a new culture. So […]
Exploring Balinese Mountains, Markets and Rice Paddies

Indonesia is an impressive country. Its 17,000 islands span across two continents and are home to several religions, the most dominating one being Islam. With 260 million people it is the 4th most populated country but you’ll find more than half on the island of Java which is the world’s most populated island. Some pretty […]
A Little Piece of Pai

“Eat well before your journey to Pai because the journey will make you feel sick.” Exactly 767 fast bends in the mountainous road later, both us and our bags had made it from Chiang Mai to Pai in separate cars. Even during the 10 minute walk from the bus station to our hostel I already […]
The True Thailand in Chiang Mai

After two weeks island hopping in very westernised islands filled with western people, it has been really nice to return to cities where I can witness Thai people just going about their daily lives, doing everyday things. I really feel like Ammun and I have got the true taste of Thailand in Chiang Mai and […]
From Nazca to Lima: The Final Few Days

It’s not often I fit 6 places into one blog but at the same time, it’s not often I see 6 places in the space of only a few days! I arrived in Nazca in a daze. I had slept so badly on the overnight bus and all I wanted was some eggs and fresh […]

Recently, on Instagram, I came across the hashtag #TravelWhereYouLive and it inspired me to write this blog post. I’m currently living at home in Buckinghamshire, England, dreaming about hiking in South America and food in Asia and cocktails on soft sandy beaches but I quite often forget to think about how nice it is to […]
Photoblog: The Vatican City

Although Ancient Rome was around well before the arrival of Christianity, the word “Vatican” was used even then to describe the area that is now The Vatican City (officially the State of Vatican City). The most obvious thing that people know about the Vatican City is that it is the home of the Pope and […]
When in Rome…

As the gloomy British winter looms outside, I can’t help but dream about one of the best cities I’ve ever visited: Rome. I went to Rome in Summer 2015 with my favourite human in the would: my mummy! Neither of us had ever been to Italy before but always wanted to and as I […]