As I mentioned in my previous blog (One Month In), instead of constantly flapping on about working as an au pair and studying French, I have decided to use my blog as a motivation to see and enjoy as much of Paris as possible in the short time that I have here, starting with the […]
Dear Diary…. One Month In

I am one month in to my new Parisian life and I am already loving it so much! As I mentioned in my previous post (La Première Semaine), I have settled in so quickly and everything seems to have magically fallen into place. To avoid constantly repeating myself, I’m not going to always blog about […]
The First Week! La Première Semaine!

Guess who’s back! Yep, I’ve packed my suitcase, bought a flight ticket and moved abroad again! After spending so much time sending off job applications to work in Spain, I gave in and went for my plan B of moving to France or China to learn a new language and experience a new culture. So […]
Songkran aka Thai New Year

I love national holidays. I don’t just mean bank holidays which means a three day weekend and a four day working week. I love national holidays that bring a community or a nation together to celebrate something like Halloween at home or Hogueras in Alicante or New Years Eve in London. Ammun and I managed […]
The Weird and the Wonderful of a Jungle Survival Camp

After going to bed feeling a little bit unsure, we woke up bright and early with more excitement than nerves about what the next two days in the jungle would entail. We walked down the road to Mr Chart’s office for 8:30am, stopping for breakfast on the way and were joined by another guy called […]
A Flying Visit To Phuket

After our boat and hour long bus transfer to our hostel we were absolutely pooped. I think two weeks of constant drinking and then three nights of late night partying in a row in Koh Phi Phi took it out of us a bit so Ammun and I had a good rest while Tom packed […]
Three Run Free in Koh Phi Phi

Koh Phi Phi has probably been the most westernised island we’ve been to which has had its pros and cons. We had to get 2 boats and two busses to get here from Koh Tao and once we were walking to our hostel I couldn’t help but think of how different it is to Vietnam […]

Recently, on Instagram, I came across the hashtag #TravelWhereYouLive and it inspired me to write this blog post. I’m currently living at home in Buckinghamshire, England, dreaming about hiking in South America and food in Asia and cocktails on soft sandy beaches but I quite often forget to think about how nice it is to […]
Interrailing: Florence and Pisa

My love for Italy continues. My blog begins like a dramatic action movie. 3 girls on a mission to get from Venice to Florence. The scene starts at 7.30am waiting at the wrong water bus stop. A man approaches. He tells us to go on the other side where we can already see the boat […]
Interrailing: Venice (Top 10)

I’m in love with Italy. I think I have been for a while now although the first time I went to Italy was earlier this summer. I love the food, the people, the climate, the buildings and after this trip, I really love the ease of a country being in the euro! I’m amazed we’ve […]